Jennifer Joseph


Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, challenging relationships, addictions, emotional stability, or insomnia? Do you feel a loss of self that affects your daily life, relationships, or the ability to feel motivated day-to-day? Do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, or drained just trying to get through the day? Do you find yourself wondering if your life could be better? 

Now more than ever, individuals are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, relationships, moving past traumatic experiences, and finding their overall place in life. Not addressing these challenges can lead to poor quality of life, reduced social interactions, self-doubt, and more. I truly believe there is hope for everyone to live their desired life, and my goal is to help clients find their path to happiness. 

How Can I Help

I believe in the power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy to help clients find their way to a more peaceful place in their lives. It is the primary therapy I use but I also believe in collaborating with you to provide an approach that works best for you. At Moxie Health & Wellness, we offer a safe, inclusive, client-specific experience, so you can feel heard, find the ways to move forward, and take the first steps toward living a happier and healthier life. 

Who I Am 

I am truly passionate about helping people and am very grateful for the opportunity to join my clients in their journey to a healthier life. In my free time, I enjoy travelling, long road trips, spending time with my husband, daughters, and two beagles, watching sports, and reading. I also enjoy hiking, kayaking, and exploring the wonders and beauties of Vancouver Island and all that it has to offer. 

Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
— Winston Churchill