Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PAT) for Trauma

Are you struggling with the weight of past traumas and seeking a path to healing? Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PAT) might be the answer you've been looking for. PAT is a type of therapy that uses psychedelic substances such as ketamine, psilocybin, and MDMA to enhance the therapeutic process. There are three phases to PAT: the preparation phase, which includes setting intentions, the medicine phase, and the integration phase. During the medicine phase, clients are guided by a trained therapist who helps them navigate the experience according to their predetermined intentions. The medicine phase is followed by the integration phase in which the therapist helps the client integrate any insights they gain into their everyday life. PAT can facilitate profound experiences that can lead to healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Why Choose PAT for Trauma?

Trauma can manifest in various ways, from anxiety and depression to chronic illness and body pain to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PAT provides a unique avenue to confront and process these deep-seated issues. Here's why you might consider PAT for trauma counselling:

Breakthrough Healing: Psychedelics such as ketamine, psilocybin, and MDMA can help you access and reprocess traumatic memories, enabling you to find resolution and relief.

Enhanced Therapy: With the support of a trained therapist, PAT can lead to profound insights and a deeper understanding of the trauma, fostering lasting healing.

Long-Lasting Effects: Studies have shown that PAT can provide lasting relief and positive changes in one's mental health, often with just a few sessions.

Common Misconceptions About Psychedelics

There are several misconceptions surrounding psychedelic therapy. Here are some myths debunked:

Addiction Risk: When used in a therapeutic context, psychedelics are not addictive. In fact, they have the potential to reduce substance abuse disorders.

Unsafe Environment: PAT with Moxie Health & Wellness Inc. is always conducted in a controlled and safe setting, with trained professionals ensuring your well-being throughout the experience.

Instant Cure: While some people find immediate relief from some symptoms, psychedelic therapy is not a quick fix. It requires effort, intention, and post-session integration to reap the full benefits.

The Current State of PAT in Canada

Canada is making significant strides in recognizing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. Currently, ketamine is approved for therapeutic purposes and psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, is approved for terminal illness patients. The government is actively exploring broader applications of psychedelics in therapy, which is promising news for those suffering from trauma.

If you're intrigued by the possibilities of PAT and believe it could be your path to healing, take the first step. Reach out to one of our licensed therapists experienced in psychedelic-assisted therapy. They can guide you through the process, and help you determine if PAT is right for your unique situation.

Don't let the burden of trauma hold you back any longer. Reach out today, and let the healing begin.

It's important to note that PAT should only be conducted under the supervision of a trained therapist in a controlled setting following local regulations. At this time, Moxie Health & Wellness Inc. offers only the integration phase and not the medicine phase of therapy.