Meet the Team

About Moxie

Moxie Health & Wellness Inc. is a trauma therapy collective based on Vancouver Island, BC.  We believe that psychological health is intricately connected to physical, spiritual, and social health.  While Moxie is primarily focused on the psychological aspects of the trauma healing process, all of these areas will be considered in trauma therapy and via referrals and additional resources. Our connection to our body, something beyond ourselves, and to a safe and compassionate community is essential in the healing journey.  Check out the resources tab for helpful links and connections.

About Trauma

Trauma results from an event (or series of events) that is experienced as life-threatening and/or emotionally overwhelming and involves lasting mental, physical, social, emotional, and/or spiritual difficulties.  It can cause problems with your sense of safety, your relationships, your ability to work, and even daily activities like personal hygiene, eating, sleeping, and getting out of the house.  The good news?  Under the supervision of qualified trauma counsellors and therapists, there are many great therapies for treating trauma and restoring a sense of empowerment and safety.

About Counselling

Counselling is a confidential process designed to help you address your concerns, come to a greater understanding of yourself and your experiences, and develop effective personal and interpersonal coping skills. Together you and your therapist will set goals and explore how you can accomplish these goals.  One of the most important factors in successful trauma counselling is the connection between the client and the therapist.  Trauma therapy is often hard work and may bring up difficult emotions, however you should feel safe and respected at all times.  At Moxie Health & Wellness Inc. we work hard to provide a sense of safety and welcome your feedback throughout the process.

About Trauma Therapies

The goal of trauma counselling and therapy is to help individuals heal from the effects of trauma by providing a safe and supportive space to process their experiences, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and regain a sense of safety and control over their lives. There are some types of counselling therapy that have been especially effective in treating trauma, depression and anxiety.  At Moxie Health & Wellness Inc. the trauma therapies that we focus on are linked below.