Paula Joy


Seeking therapy is often the final act after exhausting every other possibility, and we usually arrive at the decision exhausted ourselves. This can make choosing a therapist overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be hard. 

How I can help. 

17 years as a nurse, prior to completing my Master in Counselling, taught me about the powerful connections between mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health, and that dis-ease in one area affects every other. I’ve seen first-hand that when people feel completely safe expressing their full, authentic selves, they can find the courage and strength that got them through hardships in the past, and can use this to create a life of ease, self-acceptance, and joy. 

It is my honour  to facilitate a client’s journey from merely surviving to completely thriving. Replacing judgement with curiosity, together we will create an individualised plan that draws from a variety of therapies: cognitive behaviour therapy, dialectic behaviour therapy, psychodynamic therapy, emotional focused family therapy, and accelerated resolution therapy. Reach out today for a free consultation to know your options and see if I am the right fit for you.

Who I am. 

I was born and raised in Saskatchewan. I slowly migrated towards Vancouver Island in 2000 and once I experienced the ocean, mild weather, and roadside fruit stands I knew I was here to stay. In warm weather you can find me and my kids swimming and paddle boarding in nearby lakes, and rain or shine I am marching through the forest with my two very energetic dogs. I am passionate about learning new things, and in my quieter times you can find me reading or taking classes.