Sarah Montes


Looking for a new therapist can be tough! Sometimes folks are afraid of being judged - they wonder if they’re just too emotional, or doubt that anyone will really understand what they’re going through.

The idea of admitting you need help and reaching out to a stranger for support can be intimidating. This is a big step and I’m glad you’re here.

I bet you’re wondering if I can help you. I’d certainly like to give it a try!

How I can help. 

I'd like to make this process as comfortable and effective as possible. Maybe you're feeling lost in a maze of emotions, or maybe you've got some emotional baggage that just won't heal. It could be anything from dealing with anxiety, depression, or relationship drama, to coping with loss, trauma, or major life changes. Whatever's weighing you down, I’ve got your back.

With formal training in critical care nursing and counselling psychology I have gathered several tools and techniques to navigate life’s difficulties. 

Imagine me as a co-pilot on your healing journey. You're in the driver's seat, and I'm here to provide guidance, support, and tools tailored to your needs. I primarily work with individuals using trauma therapies such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT) to guide you into a compassionate understanding of yourself and empower you to move forward in a fulfilling way. Much of my work is with queer, polyamorous, and kink-oriented folks and I welcome clients from all walks of life. I bet at some point you’ve felt alone in a dark place. I would be honoured to join you and we’ll find a way out together - you don’t have to do this alone. 

Who I am. 

I genuinely love my work, but I also love more than work. I have a husband of over two decades and three teenagers I absolutely adore. I enjoy travelling and get a bit restless if I don’t have a trip booked. I also enjoy doing almost any outdoor activity if the weather is nice. I joke that I’m solar powered. I’m not a fan of the rain so if the weather isn’t nice you’ll find me inside, maybe editing photos and videos, woodworking, listening to an audiobook, or playing games with my family.  My family and I are pretty settled in the Cowichan Valley (the traditional lands of the Hul’qumi’num People) on Vancouver Island now, but for several years we lived in the Himalayas where my husband taught in the environment program at a college and I offered mental health services to students.

Enough about me. Let’s connect! I’d love to hear more about you.